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Board of Executive Directors

Board of Executive Directors

The Board of Executive Directors is responsible for the conduct of the IDB's operations, supported by the Board of Governors.

Executive Directors and Alternates Meeting’s Agenda, Minutes and Committee Reports Resolutions Approved Annual Reports by the Chairpersons

The Board of Executive Directors is responsible for the conduct of the IDB's operations, supported by the Board of Governors.

How is the Board of Executive Directors organized?

The Board of Executive Directors comprises 14 executive directors representing the 48 member countries of the IDB. It also includes 14 alternate executive directors with full power to act in the absence of the executive directors. In addition, members of the Board of Executive Directors participate in five standing committees that review and discuss documents according to the Annual Work Program.

How does the Board of Executive Directors work?

The Board of Executive Directors generally meets once a week to approve loan and guarantee proposals, policies, country strategies, and administrative budgets. The Board also sets interest rates and makes decisions on lending and various financial matters, among other functions.

What are the regulatory frameworks governing the Board of Executive Directors?

The Board of Executive Directors is governed by the Regulations of the Board and the Code of Conduct of the Board, as well as the Consolidated Procedures and Terms of Reference of the Standing Committees.

Regulations of the Board of Executive Directors of the Inter-American Development Bank
Consolidated Procedures and Terms of Reference of the Standing Committees
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How we are organized

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Country offices

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Operational Policies

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