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Grievances Portal

Environmental and Social Issues

IDB Grievances Portal

A person reviewing a presentation on a laptop

Our mission is to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean with integrity and sustainability. Therefore, all our activities follow the highest environmental and social standards. If you believe that an IDB-financed project may cause environmental or social damage, you have three channels to file a complaint:


Channels for Environmental and Social Complaints

Vehículos transitando un puente que pasa sobre un río. Transporte y Desarrollo - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID At the Local Level

You may contact the local authorities, the executing agency, or the contractor, who have their own complaint mechanisms.

Operario de construcción con el pulgar arriba. Desarrollo económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID With the IDB Group

For public sector-related complaints, please access the IDB Complaints Form below. If your complaint is related to an IDB Invest project (private sector) click here.

A group of people work on the plans of a construction project - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Independent Mechanism

You can also contact MICI, an accountability office independent from project teams, which facilitates dispute resolution processes to resolve the concerns raised. It also conducts independent investigations to determine whether the IDB Group has met its standards and improve Group practices.

Send us your environmental and/or social complaint using this Complaint Form. To learn more about what to expect after submitting your complaint, find below a step-by-step guide to the IDB protocol describing the information gathering and dialogue processes to efficiently solve and address potential solutions to your concerns.

IDB Protocol
If required to resolve the complaint, as determined by the IDB, do you consent to disclose relevant identifying or personal information with relevant third parties, including the executing agency and other relevant government entities? *
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