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IDB Approves a Loan of $67.8 Million for Education in Florianópolis

The Inter-American Development Bank has approved a loan of US$67.8 million to improve education in the municipality of Florianópolis. The funds will allow the expansion of full-time early childhood education coverage and the promotion of more efficient and inclusive teaching and learning practices.

The actions should reach 35,000 students enrolled in municipal schools, 2,000 teachers, and more than 100 directors who will develop new skills. The operation is part of Brazil's Social Spending Modernization Program, a US$1.5 billion Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP) approved by the IDB in 2020.

The project in Florianópolis aims to reduce educational inequalities and promote the inclusion of students with different types of disabilities. It also provides for the improvement of infrastructure, the creation of new early childhood and full-time education centers, and the training of teachers in inclusive and effective teaching practices and materials.

The initiative also contemplates using equipment and services to improve school connectivity and digital tools that allow individualized learning. Finally, the project will also strengthen educational management.

The operation includes a counterpart contribution of $16.9 million from the city government. The loan has a grace period of six years.

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The Inter-American Development Bank is devoted to improving lives. Established in 1959, the IDB is a leading source of long-term financing for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB also conducts cutting-edge research projects and provides policy advice, technical assistance and training to public- and private-sector clients throughout the region. Take our virtual tour.


Borges De Padua Goulart Janaina

Borges De Padua Goulart Janaina

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Planes,Maria Soledad
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