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Digital Accessibility Statement

Digital Accessibility Statement
The image features three gradient blue bands, transitioning from dark blue on the left to nearly white on the right. The bands are separated by the characteristic curve of the IDB.
Terms and Conditions Privacy Notice Digital Accessibility Statement Social Media Community Guidelines

The IDB  is committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to people of all abilities. We believe that access to information and resources is a fundamental right, and we strive to create an inclusive online experience for all users.

We firmly adhere to the accessibility guidelines established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). These guidelines provide a framework for developing accessible web content, ensuring usability by individuals with disabilities through assistive technologies such as screen readers, screen magnifiers and voice-recognition software. We rely on established web standards, as defined by the W3C, to ensure consistent and interoperable implementation of these accessibility guidelines.  Additionally, our website is designed to support the use of browser extensions that can further enhance their experience.

The IDB recognizes that achieving complete accessibility is an ongoing process. We are dedicated to continuously improving the accessibility of our website through evaluation, implementation of best practices and user feedback. We are committed to providing accessible alternatives and offering clear explanations when limitations exist.

Accessibility Options:

  • Assistive technologies: Our website is compatible with a wide range of assistive technologies, including screen readers, screen magnifiers and voice recognition- software.
  • Browser extensions: Users can leverage browser extensions to further personalize their experience on our website and enhance accessibility features.
  • Voiceover functionality: Our website is designed to work seamlessly with devices’ built-in voiceover functionality, allowing for navigation and content consumption through voice commands.

If you encounter any accessibility barriers on our website, please contact us at We value your feedback and will work to address any concerns.

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