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Karen Cis

Nosso time

Conhecemos a região porque é de onde viemos. Trabalhamos com comprometimento e dedicação, sempre na vanguarda de soluções para melhorar vidas na América Latina e no Caribe.

A city with trees and buildings. Sustainable Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Karen Cis
Karen Cis
Diretor executivo suplente


Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua

Master’s degree in international sectoral economics and bachelor’s degree in international relations and diplomacy, specializing in projects. Specializations in sustainable local development, public-private intersectoral relations, management for development results, market opportunities for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, local and regional competitiveness, and other areas.

Before joining the Board of Executive Directors of the IDB, Ms. Cis carried out international consulting engagements for institutions including the IDB, the World Bank, CAF, the United Nations System, and others. She has served on Central American regional projects of GIZ and CABEI, as Coordinator of the Analysis Unit of the Honduran Private Enterprise Council (COHEP), and in the Honduran Foreign Service.

Experience and knowledge of the operations and decision-making process of international institutions and public administration agencies. International relations, diplomacy, international trade, external cooperation, and management and administration of projects and resources. Experience in contact with NGOs and in the design, evaluation, promotion, administration, and execution of projects with resources from international institutions. Skills in the areas of resource mobilization and investigation of funding sources, as well as in developing contacts with donors and international agencies in different countries of the Latin American region. Member of the Honduran delegation at regional meetings of the Central American Integration System (SICA), summits of heads of state and government, councils of ministers, and international conferences under the aegis of the United Nations and the European Union, as well as various IFIs and trade negotiation processes.

Author on economic and commercial subjects. Former national swimming team and representative of Honduras to the IDB’s Network of Latin American Youth Leaders. Volunteer and board member of the National HIV/AIDS Forum and volunteer for the Honduras Special Olympics.


Inter-American Development Bank

1300 New York Avenue, N.W

Washington, D.C 20577, USA

Sobre o BID

Projetamos, promovemos e apoiamos soluções inovadoras e eficazes que promovem o desenvolvimento inclusivo e sustentável na região. 

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Como nos organizamos

Explore como nossa equipe está organizada para cumprir nossa missão de melhorar a vida na América Latina e no Caribe. 

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