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The IDB Office in Honduras aims to advance an agenda that contributes to institutional strengthening, expanding productive opportunities, and promoting greater inclusive and environmentally responsible growth, benefiting both Honduran men and women. The ultimate goal is to achieve sustainable improvement in social indicators.

A church with a stone wall and a stone staircase. Institutional Strengthening - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Country Office

The Bank’s strategy with Honduras for 2019-2022 aims to promote higher and more inclusive growth through coordinated actions that accelerate the accumulation of human capital, improve infrastructure and access to finance, and increase resilience to climate change. To this end, the Bank provides support in the following strategic pillars: strengthening fiscal institutions and efficiency of public spending, accumulation of human capital, and expansion of productive opportunities. To respond more effectively to existing gaps in the provision of social and productive services, the implementation prioritizes targeting and coordination of interventions in sectors such as education, health, and transport, in areas with high levels of poverty.

Maria Jose Jarquin Ramos Rep Honduras
Maria Jose Jarquin Ramos
IDB Country Representative in Honduras


Our Team on The Ground

Address of the IDB representation in Honduras: Colonia Lomas del Guijarro Sur, Primera Calle Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Mailing Address: Apartado Postal No. 3180, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

(T) (504) 2290-3500

(F) (504) 239-5752 / (504) 239-7953

Country representation

Executive Director: Eddy Roberto Carpio Sam


  • Karen Cis

ELECTED BY: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua

Total Contribution: 12,298,000

Number of votes: 64,819

of the institution's ownership

Honduras to Boost Resilient Development of El Cajón and Lake Yojoa Basins
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a $5.1 million loan and $2.1 million in non-reimbursable financing to help Honduras promote low-carbon and inclusive, resilient development in the El Cajón and Lake Yojoa basins. This operation, approved by the IDB's Board of Executive Directors...
June 03, 2024
Honduras Will Improve Workers' Job Placement with IDB Support
-The program will benefit almost 40% of job seekers registered in the comprehensive employment service seeking training.  -This is the first IDB loan to include the returned population so that they can re-enter the workforce in their country of origin.  The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)...
May 30, 2024
IDB Group Launches 7th Edition of Superheroes of Development to Recognize Project Executors
The call will be open from May 20 to June 28, 2024 The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) launched the seventh edition of the Superheroes of Development contest to recognize clients and executing institutions excelling in the successful resolution of challenges during the...
May 21, 2024
Apr 10, 2023
EconNet: Political Connections, Allocation of Stimulus Spending, and the Jobs Multiplier | Veronika Penciakova (Atlanta FED)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
United States - Washington, DC
Apr 11, 2023
Presentation of the Government Digital Transformation Guide
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apr 12, 2023
Research and Policy Seminar: The Global Economy at a Turning Point | Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

Videos available in Spanish

60 años del BID en Honduras: los protagonistas
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60 años del BID en Honduras
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Campaña Prevención Violencia Contra la Mujer - Honduras Spot 2
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Campaña Prevención Violencia Contra la Mujer - Honduras Spot 1
Learn More
Una reforma policial con cara de mujer: lecciones aprendidas en equidad de género desde Honduras
Learn More
¿Qué significa mejorar vidas en América Latina y el Caribe? Desarrollo de impacto con sello BID
Learn More
Integración y gobernanza: ¿cuál será el futuro de América Latina y el Caribe en el 2030?
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

Honduras is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Honduras appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Honduras is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with GuatemalaEl SalvadorCosta RicaBelize, and Nicaragua, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, and Nicaragua.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.  

IDB Group Country Strategy with Honduras 2019-2022
Extension of the Transition Period of the Country Strategy with Honduras
See more
Country Office

The Bank’s strategy with Honduras for 2019-2022 aims to promote higher and more inclusive growth through coordinated actions that accelerate the accumulation of human capital, improve infrastructure and access to finance, and increase resilience to climate change. To this end, the Bank provides support in the following strategic pillars: strengthening fiscal institutions and efficiency of public spending, accumulation of human capital, and expansion of productive opportunities. To respond more effectively to existing gaps in the provision of social and productive services, the implementation prioritizes targeting and coordination of interventions in sectors such as education, health, and transport, in areas with high levels of poverty.

Maria Jose Jarquin Ramos Rep Honduras
Maria Jose Jarquin Ramos
IDB Country Representative in Honduras


Our Team on The Ground

Address of the IDB representation in Honduras: Colonia Lomas del Guijarro Sur, Primera Calle Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Mailing Address: Apartado Postal No. 3180, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

(T) (504) 2290-3500

(F) (504) 239-5752 / (504) 239-7953

Country representation

Executive Director: Eddy Roberto Carpio Sam


  • Karen Cis

ELECTED BY: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua

Total Contribution: 12,298,000

Number of votes: 64,819

of the institution's ownership

Honduras to Boost Resilient Development of El Cajón and Lake Yojoa Basins
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a $5.1 million loan and $2.1 million in non-reimbursable financing to help Honduras promote low-carbon and inclusive, resilient development in the El Cajón and Lake Yojoa basins. This operation, approved by the IDB's Board of Executive Directors...
June 03, 2024
Honduras Will Improve Workers' Job Placement with IDB Support
-The program will benefit almost 40% of job seekers registered in the comprehensive employment service seeking training.  -This is the first IDB loan to include the returned population so that they can re-enter the workforce in their country of origin.  The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)...
May 30, 2024
IDB Group Launches 7th Edition of Superheroes of Development to Recognize Project Executors
The call will be open from May 20 to June 28, 2024 The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) launched the seventh edition of the Superheroes of Development contest to recognize clients and executing institutions excelling in the successful resolution of challenges during the...
May 21, 2024
Apr 10, 2023
EconNet: Political Connections, Allocation of Stimulus Spending, and the Jobs Multiplier | Veronika Penciakova (Atlanta FED)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
United States - Washington, DC
Apr 11, 2023
Presentation of the Government Digital Transformation Guide
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apr 12, 2023
Research and Policy Seminar: The Global Economy at a Turning Point | Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

Videos available in Spanish

60 años del BID en Honduras: los protagonistas
Learn More
60 años del BID en Honduras
Learn More
Campaña Prevención Violencia Contra la Mujer - Honduras Spot 2
Learn More
Campaña Prevención Violencia Contra la Mujer - Honduras Spot 1
Learn More
Una reforma policial con cara de mujer: lecciones aprendidas en equidad de género desde Honduras
Learn More
¿Qué significa mejorar vidas en América Latina y el Caribe? Desarrollo de impacto con sello BID
Learn More
Integración y gobernanza: ¿cuál será el futuro de América Latina y el Caribe en el 2030?
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

Honduras is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Honduras appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Honduras is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with GuatemalaEl SalvadorCosta RicaBelize, and Nicaragua, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, and Nicaragua.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.  

IDB Group Country Strategy with Honduras 2019-2022
Extension of the Transition Period of the Country Strategy with Honduras
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