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Operations Administration

Operations Administration

To establish GENERAL GUIDELINES for the supervision of project execution, verification of compliance with contractual covenants, procurement procedures, and the processing of disbursements. The following guidelines are applicable to all operations financed by the Bank.

Puente sobre un río en zona rural. Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID





To establish GENERAL GUIDELINES for the supervision of project execution, verification of compliance with contractual covenants, procurement procedures, and the processing of disbursements. The following guidelines are applicable to all operations financed by the Bank.

Basic Guidelines


The actions performed by the Bank during project execution are intended to:

  • Ensure that projects are executed in such a way as to attain the planned objectives.
  • Ensure that the approved financial resources are used in accordance with the covenants of the respective financing agreement and with the Bank's policies, rules, and procedures.
  • Verify compliance by borrowers/beneficiaries/executing agencies with the contractual covenants and general rules established by the Bank.
  • Advise borrowers/beneficiaries/executing agencies regarding the solution of problems that arise during project execution, so that projects will have the expected impact on national development.
  • Maintain an effective and efficient information system on loan operations.
Operational Policies

The Operational Policies of the IDB are divided into two parts for purposes of dissemination on the Bank's website: General Operational Policies, and Sector Policies and Sector Framework Documents.

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General Information about IDB's policies

Policies are directives that define the general lines of action of the Bank with regard to operations, administration, and personnel.

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IDB's Operational Program

The Bank's Operational Program, "PIPELINE" provides information to Management regarding loan operations, technical cooperation, and small projects agreed upon with each of the borrowing countries and approved by the Bank.

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