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FINLAC - Financial Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean
A woman wearing a white coat - Inclusion - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
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High-impact projects that advance financial inclusion


The IDB Group helps improve financial inclusion by providing financial solutions and development insights to both public and private sector clients. The IDB Group is comprised of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the leading source of multilateral financing for governments in Latin America and the Caribbean; IDB Invest, which promotes economic development in the region through the private sector; and IDB Lab, the IDB Group's innovation lab, which explores new ways to engage and inspire the private sector to solve development problems in the region. Learn more about FINLAC’s high-impact projects.

a child walking on a log Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon Region

A US$900 million IDB and BNDES loan is promoting the sustainable development of the Amazon and reducing regional inequalities by helping MSMEs modernize and expand their businesses, acquire goods and equipment, and drive innovation. The financing includes incentives to adopt sustainable practices. The loan also uses concessional and stable funding suitable to MSMEs needs.

a person working on a laptop Expanding Access to Credit in El Salvador

A US$20 million IDB loan is boosting economic activity in El Salvador by helping micro and small enterprises access credit under more attractive conditions. The program is specifically geared to women entrepreneurs and municipalities with high rates of marginalization.

a cityscape with a map of the earth Fostering the Region’s Fintech Ecosystem

The IDB is supporting the development, consolidation, and integration of a fintech ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean by promoting policies and regulations, as well as strengthening institutions, through its FintechLAC initiative. FintechLAC is the first public-private fintech group in the region and works with regulators from 18 countries and 13 fintech associations.

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a group of women smiling Financing for Women Owners of MSMEs through a Sustainable Bond

IDB Invest is providing a US$10 million senior loan to Fondo Esperanza to finance women microentrepreneurs, accompanied by a technical assistance package that will support Fondo Esperanza in designing a strategy to expand financing solutions for migrants.

a person holding a vase Expanding Financing for Chilean Microenterprises and Vulnerable Migrant Populations

IDB Invest is providing a US$10 million senior loan to Fondo Esperanza to finance women microentrepreneurs, accompanied by a technical assistance package that will support Fondo Esperanza in designing a strategy to expand financing solutions for migrants.

a person holding a cup and a horse First Diversity and Inclusion Bond for an Ecuadorian Credit Union

Jardín Azuayo announced the issuance of a US$20 million bond to increase access to credit for micro, small, and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) owned or managed by women, people with low incomes or low levels of education, and indigenous or other ethnic groups, as well as migrants in Ecuador.

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a person talking on a cell phone Financial Innovation in Guatemala

IDB Lab and IDB Invest help Fundación Génesis Empresarial provide innovative financial services to rural and low-income communities in Guatemala. Using digital technology, the foundation promotes financial inclusion with smart ATMs, electronic wallets and credit through mobile devices.

Two women standing Digital Payments for Businesses in Central America

IDB Lab helped Cubo Technologies of El Salvador expand into Guatemala, Panama, and Costa Rica. The company is a leader in fintech and digital payments in Central America. Its expansion will benefit more than 70,000 businesses, 40% led by women, promoting digitalization and business growth in the region.

A man in a red shirt Technology for Farmers and Investors

IDB Lab helps EthicHub connect rural Mexican farmers, mainly coffee producers, with global investors. Using blockchain and cryptocurrencies, EthicHub offers financial products for smallholder farmers, expanding access to financial services in vulnerable rural communities.

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