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IDB Lab to Foster Bioeconomy in the Amazon Region with Two New Initiatives

The Inter-American Development Bank's innovation laboratory, IDB Lab, has launched two innovative initiatives to protect biodiversity and promote sustainable development in the Amazon basin. The move was announced in Manaus, Brazil, during the Sustainability Week of IDB Invest, the private sector arm of the IDB Group, an event where global and regional leaders joined forces to foster sustainable solutions for the Amazon region. The approved projects, Amazon BeEco and ReGenerate Accelerator and Investment Fund for the Amazon, will provide bioeconomy training for families, communities and early

IDB to Help Structure PPP Projects to Sustainably Manage Subnational Environmental Assets in the Brazilian Amazon

MANAUS, Brazil – The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) announced today a technical cooperation agreement with the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) to support the structuring of public-private partnership (PPP) projects to sustainably manage subnational environmental assets in the Brazilian Amazon. The non-reimbursable technical cooperation of $1 million is funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the IDB's Amazonia Forever program. The cooperation will focus on helping structure subnational PPP projects for forest

IDB Report Highlights Growth in Caribbean Countries

With the economic and social stresses of the pandemic receding, Caribbean economies are experiencing continued growth into 2024, according to a new report by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). After the strong economic recovery of 2021–2023, Caribbean economies continue to grow at a somewhat faster pace than the Latin America and the Caribbean region, though country circumstances vary. For example, economic growth in Guyana is expected to be over 30% this year, while tourism-oriented economies are expected to grow only 2.6%. At the same time, economies are experiencing diverging

IDB Group Launches 7th Edition of Superheroes of Development to Recognize Project Executors

The call will be open from May 20 to June 28, 2024 The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) launched the seventh edition of the Superheroes of Development contest to recognize clients and executing institutions excelling in the successful resolution of challenges during the implementation stage of development projects. Superheroes of Development is a BIDAcademy initiative that rewards the best lessons learned from operations containing stories that have the potential of helping other initiatives attain effective implementation. Studying the challenging path that others have

IDB Group Caribbean Governors Endorse the Regional Program 'One Caribbean'

PUNTA CANA, Dominican Republic — The Caribbean Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) endorsed the “One Caribbean” program, a comprehensive framework designed to support enhancing living standards across the Caribbean region. The program focuses on four pillars: climate adaptation, disaster risk management and resilience; citizen security; private sector engagement; and food security, as well as two cross-cutting areas, strengthening institutions and facilitating digital transformation. The signing of this endorsement statement took place during the IDB and IDB

IDB Group and Guyana Sign Six Key Agreements
GEORGETOWN, Guyana – The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) today signed six new agreements with Guyana, including two operations with the government of Guyana that focus on improving the country's education sector by enhancing education quality and infrastructure and an amendment to a current operation to strengthen Guyana’s energy matrix diversification and reliability. Additionally, IDB Invest, the private sector arm of the IDB Group, signed three operations with companies in Guyana for financing in the logistics sector, tertiary education and sustainable tourism.
Remarks by President Ilan Goldfajn on the occasion of the XII Annual Consultation with Caribbean Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank
Georgetown, Guyana As prepared for delivery His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Co-Operative Republic of Guyana; Distinguished Governors and Heads of Delegation; Members of the Delegations; Executive Directors of the Inter-American Development Bank and IDB Invest; Senior Management of the IDB Group; Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm honored to be in Guyana and especially in the city of Georgetown, on my first official visit to Guyana as the IDB’s president. Guyana means the “land of many waters.” And it’s no secret why! Your country is made up of a seemingly endless tapestry of
IDB Group and Caribbean Governors Discuss Climate Resilience and Integration
GEORGETOWN, Guyana – The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) held its XII Annual Consultation with the Governors of IDB Caribbean member countries on February 23-24 in Georgetown, Guyana. The gathering was part of preparations for the IDB and IDB Invest Annual Meetings, which will take place on March 6-10 in the Dominican Republic. This high-level dialogue included representatives from The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago and a representative from the Caribbean Development Bank, a longstanding partner of the IDB, which facilitates support to Eastern
IDB Report Outlines Progress and Challenges in Managing Public Debt in the Caribbean

Public debt load in the Caribbean has fallen sharply to near pre-pandemic levels, according to a new report by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which urges governments to continue on the path of prudent debt management, given uncertain global risks. The publication reveals that the average debt-to-GDP ratio rose from 75% in 2019 to 99% in 2020 and is estimated to have fallen to 77% at the end of 2023. The sharpest declines were observed in Guyana between 2020 and 2022 and in Jamaica between 2010 and 2019. “ Dealing with Debt in the Caribbean, ” part of the Caribbean Economics

IDB Presents 'One Caribbean' Program to Boost Climate Resilience and Promote Integration
DUBAI – During the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) presented “One Caribbean,” a new regional flagship program that aims to promote the sustainable development of the Caribbean with a sharpened focus on high-impact initiatives. Caribbean countries are among the most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels, threats to agriculture and biodiversity, and more intense and frequent hurricanes and tropical storms. The IDB’s "One Caribbean" program includes four pillars: climate adaptation, disaster
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