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Knowledge Exchange on National Quality Systems

The objective of the technical cooperation is to carry out a technical visit by two officials from the MPCEIP, two INEN officials, an official from the Ecuadorian Army Metrology Center, an official from the Subsecretariat for Nuclear Control and Applications, an official from the Regulatory Agency and phytosanitary control, an official from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, an official from the National Institute of Agricultural Research and an official from the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition to Colombia to learn about the experiences and good practices of different institutions of the National Quality System of Colombia and in particular those linked to agrifood chains.

Project Detail



Project Number


Approval Date

July 14, 2023

Project Status


Project Type

Technical Cooperation





Lending Instrument


Lending Instrument Code




Facility Type


Environmental Classification

Likely to cause minimal or no negative environmental and associated social impacts

Total Cost

USD 19,886.00

Country Counterpart Financing

USD 0.00

Original Amount Approved

USD 19,886.00

Financial Information
Operation Number Lending Type Reporting Currency Reporting Date Signed Date Fund Financial Instrument
ATN/OC-20203-EC Sovereign Guaranteed USD - United States Dollar Ordinary Capital Nonreimbursable
Operation Number ATN/OC-20203-EC
  • Lending Type: Sovereign Guaranteed
  • Reporting Currency: USD - United States Dollar
  • Reporting Date:
  • Signed Date:
  • Fund: Ordinary Capital
  • Financial Instrument: Nonreimbursable
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