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Reform and Modernization of the State

Reforma / Modernização do Estado

Reforçar a capacidade do Estado para reforçar o Estado de direito e prestar melhores serviços aos cidadãos.

Personas en centro de atención al usuario. Reforma y Modernización del estado - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Quadro Setorial Iniciativas Projetos em Resumo
a group of people standing in a line

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has identified four challenges that limit the technical and operational capacity of the State: inefficient bureaucracy, corruption, crime, and inadequate digital progress.

To support countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region in this undertaking, we provide project financing, technical assistance, and advice to governments to promote management models and structures in the following areas: transformation of public administration, data and digital government, citizen security and justice, and transparency and integrity.

Transformation of Public Administration

The IDB strengthens the management capacity of public administration to improve the lives of citizens and enhance their trust in the State. 

Graph of a group of people in a city
Data and Digital Government

The IDB supports governments from Latin America and the Caribbean in the design and implementation of digital transformation plans and initiatives to improve the efficiency and quality of the public services provided to citizens and businesses.

a person touching a screen
Citizen Security and Justice

The IDB helps countries in the region tackle challenges of security and justice that affect the Rule of Law and, in turn, economic and social development.  

a statue of a lady justice
Transparency and Integrity

The IDB supports transparency and integrity reforms aligned with international standards and enabled by digital technologies. 

a close-up of a person shaking hands
Fiscal Management for Inclusive Development

The IDB's Fiscal Division works closely with member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean strengthening their fiscal policy and management at both the national and subnational levels, to achieve equitable and sustainable growth.

Mujer trabajando en computador con varias pantallas. Transformación digital - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
O BID Lança Nova Política de Acesso à Informação para Aumentar a Transparência e a Prestação de Contas
A Diretoria do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) aprovou uma nova Política de Acesso à Informação que aumenta a transparência e aprimora a prestação de contas das operações do Banco. A implementação dessa nova política ajudará a tornar o BID uma instituição mais ágil e inclusiva.  A nova...
Julho 03, 2024
Brasil promoverá o desenvolvimento sustentável da Mata Atlântica no estado da Bahia
O Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) aprovou um empréstimo de US$ 100 milhões para melhorar a renda, a segurança alimentar, o acesso a serviços básicos e a adaptação à mudança climática da população rural do Estado da Bahia e para proteger os recursos naturais da região. A área geográfica...
Julho 01, 2024
Estudo: Ecossistema fintech na América Latina e no Caribe supera 3.000 startups
- Entre 2017 e 2023, houve um crescimento de 340%.- Brasil, México e Colômbia reúnem 57% do total de empresas. - Fintechs consolidam posição no segmento de pagamentos.BOGOTÁ – O ecossistema fintech registrou um crescimento de mais de 340% na quantidade de empreendimentos de finanças tecnológicas...
Junho 20, 2024
Relatório do BID mostra o potencial da bioeconomia para reverter o desmatamento na Região Amazônica
Um novo relatório do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) e do Instituto Igarapé examina a bioeconomia dos oito países amazônicos e apresenta oportunidades para a criação de alternativas econômicas sustentáveis para quase 50 milhões de pessoas que vivem na região. O relatório traz...
Junho 20, 2024

This blog is a space to discuss solutions for improving governments in Latin America and the Caribbean with the aim of strengthening services to citizens and promoting greater transparency. Join this conversation! 

Persona usando su celular en una zona rural. Comercio y transformación digital - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID What is happening with our personal data on social media?

A new global debate has arisen regarding the protection of personal data, involving one of the social media platforms that has experienced significant growth and popularity in recent years (according to Statista). Entry available in Spanish.

State Capacities and Climate Change: The Public Management of Complex Issues

Why are public policies related to education or health directed by a secretary or ministry, while those for climate change require a large team of entities? Entry available in Spanish.

What is the state of regulatory quality in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Let's imagine a day in our daily life. We wake up early to get ready for remote work, for which we need an accessible and reliable internet connection. Entry available in Spanish.

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A space for ideas and solutions on citizen security and justice in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

How to promote the use of scientific evidence to reduce crime and violence in the region?

The world is filled with public policies based on good intentions, but they don't always yield positive results, often squandering valuable public resources and sometimes even worsening the situation they aimed to address.

How to prevent child abuse to eradicate violence in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Preventing violence is a task that begins in childhood. According to the most recent statistics, two out of every three children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean are victims of child abuse or violent discipline in the home.

Human Trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean: Multisectoral Responses to a Complex Crime

Human trafficking is a complex and hard-to-detect crime that affects nearly 50 million people, according to global estimates of modern slavery for the year 2021, representing an increase of 10 million people in the last five years.

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Financial Markets

Working with the public sector to design funding solutions that mobilize private investments and ensure inclusive and sustainable development. 

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Science, Technology and Innovation

Innovation is essential for more productivity and economic progress.

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