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ATI Public Information Center Requests

Access to Information (ATI)

The Access to Information Policy is an instrument approved by the IDB’s Board and designed to raise the Bank's standards of transparency to the highest level of international practices, thereby allowing greater accountability in the execution of its projects and activities. 

A close-up of a woman's hands typing on a laptop keyboard, with focus on the keys and her fingers - Sustainable Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
An open laptop displaying data charts and graphs on the screen, with a person pointing at the screen - Sustainable Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Information Request Form

The IDB has a Public Information Center (PIC) that allows the public to submit a request for information for documents or information held by the Bank.  

This request is made in accordance with the IDB's Access to Information Policy, which provides guidelines for disclosure of information. The IDB's Public Information Center is responsible for receiving, processing, and responding to these requests, with a commitment to transparency and timely communication.

Send a request
How to request information

Check out this video tutorial with tips on how to fill out the information request form that will be submitted to the Public Information Center. 

Centre de ressources juridiques

Le Centre de ressources juridiques Luz Sadak fournit des informations juridiques à l’appui du travail effectué par le personnel de la Banque, et tient à jour une collection de documents juridiques sur l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes ainsi que d’ouvrages généraux concernant le droit international privé et public.

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Politiques sectorielles et documents cadres

Les prêts de la BID sont guidés par des politiques et des cadres qui s’appliquent à des secteurs économiques ou à des domaines particuliers.  

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Politiques générales régissant les opérations

La BID dispose d’une liste de politiques communes à tous les types d’activités de financement.

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